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HomeTop hacks for easy meal prep

Top hacks for easy meal prep

Finding time to cook healthy and delicious meals can be a real challenge. That’s where meal prep comes to the rescue! Meal prep is a fantastic way to save time, and money, and stay on track with your health and nutrition goals. You could be a busy professional, a parent juggling family responsibilities, or just someone looking to simplify their cooking routine. 

These top hacks for easy meal prep will make your life a whole lot easier.

  • Plan ahead: 

The key to successful meal prep is planning. Take some time each week to create a meal plan. Decide what you want for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, as well as any snacks. Once you have a plan, you can make a shopping list to make sure you know all the ingredients you need.

  • Buy quality containers: 

Good meal prep containers are important. Invest in a variety of sizes to accommodate different types of food. Look for containers that are microwave and dishwasher-safe for easy reheating and cleaning. 

  • Batch cooking:

Cooking in batches is a game-changer. Prepare larger quantities of your favorite recipes and divide them into individual portions. Freeze what you won’t eat within a few days. This way, you’ll always have a homemade meal ready to go, even on your busiest days.

  • Buy ready meals:

One of the most convenient hacks for meal prep is to buy ready-made meals and snacks. These ready meals come in various cuisines and portion sizes. TAZA has a range of ready-veg meals ranging from soya keema & soya chaap to mini samosas & crispy snacks. Simply heat and eat, and you’ll have a delicious meal in no time.

  • Buy frozen veggies:

Frozen vegetables are SO quick & convenient for easy meal prep. They are just as nutritious as fresh vegetables, and they come pre-washed and pre-cut, saving you precious time in the kitchen. Stock up on a variety of frozen veggies like broccoli, peas, carrots, and mixed stir-fry blends. The best part? They have a much longer shelf life, which reduces risk of food wastage. 

  • Experiment with freezer friendly: 

Not all meals are freezer-friendly, so do some research to find recipes that taste just as good after being frozen and reheated. Soups, casseroles, and some pasta dishes taste just as good – if not better – when reheated. 

  • Stay organized:

Finally, keep your kitchen organized. A well-organized kitchen can speed up your meal prep process. Use kitchen organizers, from spice racks to pantry storage solutions, to keep everything in place.

Adding these meal prep hacks into your routine can make a world of difference. Not only will you save time and reduce stress during the week, but you’ll also get so much more done. 

Happy prepping and bon appétit!

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